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Class Overview

Aegis Fighter Skills

All Aegis Fighter skills in BLUE PROTOCOL.


Skills can be obtained by leveling up a class high enough to unlock the G1 version of the skill. "Ability" typically means passive skill. Class Action (or Subaction) refers to the second Base Action (right click).

Base Actions

One basic attack and one class action can be equipped at a time.

Break Slash #1201
G1 (Level 1)
A four-stage attack that slashes with the sword. Attack while pressing a sideways movement key to alter the second stage into a spinning slash attack.
G2 (Level 5)
Attack while pressing the forward movement key to alter the third stage into a Light elemental thrust attack.
G3 (Level 12)
When attacking while entering backward movement, the second stage is derived into a shield strike attack. When the attack hits, the attacker's shield gauge consumption is reduced for a certain period of time.
G4 (Level 51)
Light Element Resistance Down - Small is applied to enemies hit by Light Element thrust attacks.

Normal basic attack + jump/shield cancelling has the highest DPS in practice, but side basic attack + jump/shield cancelling has the highest theoretical value. However, the side basic attack has a knockback effect, so it’s best used in situations where enemies can’t be knocked back.

Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Shield Guard #1202
G1 (Level 1)
Prepare your shield to guard against attacks. Successful blocks will consume Shield Gauge. If your Shield Gauge reaches 0, you will be Shield Broken and unable to use shield-based skills. After a successful block, press the basic attack button to perform a Counter Slash.
Counter consumes 0 Shield Gauge
G2 (Level 19)
Increase Shield Gauge recovery speed.
G3 (Level 38)
Increase max Shield Gauge.
G4 (Level 55)
Increase aggro from enemies hit by Counter Slash.
G5 (Level 79)
Activating the skill while sprinting consumes Shield Gauge to initiate Great Guard. Getting hit during Great Guard restores the consumed Shield Gauge and performs a more powerful counter attack.

Shield Guard can animation cancel most Aegis Fighter skills. Counter Slash is powerful and has a long window to be used after a successful block. It cannot be executed during Shield Break. The Shield Gauge’s durability can be greatly increased by using Break Slash and Fortress.

Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel

Tactical Skills

Up to 4 tactical skills can be a equipped at a time. Tactical skills can have variations such as α and β, which provide modifications to the normal version.

Shield Charge #1220 AttackDebuff
G1 (Level 1)
Raise your shield and perform a dash attack. Enemies that are hit will be Stunned. While dashing, your shield will guard against attacks, consuming Shield Gauge.
20 second cooldown
G2 (Level 20)
Increase Stun duration.
G3 (Level 39)
Increase dash distance.
G3α (Level 50)
Maximum interval is reduced.
G3β (Level 50)
Maximum interval is reduced.
16 second cooldown
G4 (Level 58)
Maximum interval is reduced.
17 second cooldown
G4α (Level 58)
G4β (Level 58)
13 second cooldown

When used on the ground, Shield Charge will go through untargeted enemies and stun them as well. However, when used in the air, Shield Charge will stop at the first enemy hit. If you want to stun a group of enemies, you can target enemies behind you, or turn the camera to the ground or sky to avoid auto targeting a single enemy.

α’s second and third hits do not apply Stun.

Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Crescent Light #1232 LightAttack
G1 (Level 2)
Launch a Light elemental slash attack in front of yourself. Slash up to two times by repeatedly pressing the skill button.
20 second cooldown
G2 (Level 21)
Increase Light elemental charge accumulation.
G3 (Level 40)
Increase damage.
G3α (Level 50)
Increase attack range.
G3β (Level 50)
Slashes remain in place and hit multiple times.
G4 (Level 59)
Increase damage.
G4α (Level 59)
G4β (Level 59)

β hits every 0.5s and its damage is greatly reduced, being roughly equivalent to the normal and alpha variants only after all attacks hit an enemy.

Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Celeste Pillar #1231 LightAttack
G1 (Level 3)
Place an area centered on yourself that continuously deals Light elemental damage.
15 second cooldown
G2 (Level 22)
Can be charged, increasing damage dealt.
G3 (Level 41)
Can be charged further, increasing damage dealt.
G3α (Level 50)
Increase area duration.
G3β (Level 50)
Increase Light elemental charge accumulation but also increase skill charge time.
G4 (Level 60)
Enemies that are hit are afflicted with Reduced Light Resistance (S), the effectiveness of which increases as the skill is charged.
Light Resist Down (values 20/30/40, values 0/0/0, 3 seconds)
G4α (Level 60)
G4β (Level 60)

Can be activated in the air, but you will lose your forward inertia and fall straight down. The attack will only hit enemies that are standing on its AoE. Enemies under its AoE will not be affected. If the AoE cuts an enemy midway on its model, damage is still registered.

Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Enhance Circle #1205 Buff
G1 (Level 4)
Place an area centered on yourself that provides Reduced Damage Taken (M) while inside its range.
30 second cooldown
DMG Taken Down (value 20)
G2 (Level 23)
Increase area duration.
G3 (Level 42)
Increase area size.
G3α (Level 50)
Additionally grants Increased Elemental Resistance (M).
Fire Resist Up (value 300)
Ice Resist Up (value 300)
Thunder Resist Up (value 300)
Earth Resist Up (value 300)
Light Resist Up (value 300)
Dark Resist Up (value 300)
G3β (Level 50)
Additionally grants Increased Damage Dealt (S).
DMG Dealt Up (value 10)
G4 (Level 61)
Increase effectiveness of Reduced Damage Taken.
DMG Taken Down (value 35)
G4α (Level 61)
Fire Resist Up (value 300)
Ice Resist Up (value 300)
Thunder Resist Up (value 300)
Earth Resist Up (value 300)
Light Resist Up (value 300)
Dark Resist Up (value 300)
G4β (Level 61)
DMG Dealt Up (value 10)

Can be activated midair but the effect will not work if you are under its AoE. If a player dies inside the AoE, they may have to leave and reenter the area to regain the buffs.

Keep in mind that Damage Reduction and Elemental Resistance both have maximum values.

Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Shield Dash #1207 Attack
G1 (Level 5)
Initiates a running charge attack that can be stopped by pressing the skill button again. Consumes Stamina while charging. A finishing attack can be performed by pressing the skill button again. While charging, your shield will guard against attacks, consuming Shield Gauge.
10 second cooldown
Consumes 1 Stamina
Consumes 19.5 Stamina/second
G2 (Level 24)
Reduce stamina consumption while running.
Consumes 16.25 Stamina/second
G3 (Level 43)
Increase movement speed while running.
G3α (Level 50)
Increase damage of the finishing attack after running a certain distance.
G3β (Level 50)
Shield Gauge will not be consumed when blocking attacks.
G4 (Level 62)
Improve maneuverability while running and increase attack range of the running attack and finishing attack.
G4α (Level 62)
G4β (Level 62)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Sunrise Charge #1230 LightAttack
G1 (Level 6)
Raise your shield and perform a dash attack. Hits create small Light elemental explosions. While dashing, your shield will guard against attacks, consuming Shield Gauge.
8 second cooldown
G2 (Level 25)
Increase dash distance.
G3 (Level 44)
Attack up to 3 times by continuously pressing the skill button.
G3α (Level 50)
Enemies hit by the explosions are pulled inwards.
G3β (Level 50)
Increase explosion size and damage.
G4 (Level 63)
The third attack will trigger a Light explosion that deals increased damage to enemies afflicted with status ailments.
G4α (Level 63)
G4β (Level 63)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Regeneration #1233 Heal
G1 (Level 7)
Grant yourself HP Regeneration (M).
40 second cooldown
G2 (Level 26)
Maximum interval is reduced.
35 second cooldown
G3 (Level 45)
Increase in total Recovery amount
G3α (Level 50)
When activated, grants itself a small Damage Received reduction
G3β (Level 50)
When activated, grants itself a small Damage Received reduction
G4 (Level 64)
When activated, grants itself a small Damage Received reduction
G4α (Level 64)
G4β (Level 64)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Blow Beat #1211 AttackDebuff
G1 (Level 8)
Slam your sword into the ground, pulling in nearby enemies and Provoking them. Greatly increases your aggro.
30 second cooldown
G2 (Level 27)
Maximum interval is reduced.
27 second cooldown
G3 (Level 46)
Expanded attack range
G3α (Level 50)
Ease of being targeted increased
G3β (Level 50)
Ease of being targeted increased
G4 (Level 65)
Ease of being targeted increased
G4α (Level 65)
G4β (Level 65)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Rampart #1206 Buff
G1 (Level 9)
Hold the skill button to summon a gigantic shield. While deployed, Shield Gauge is not consumed and movement is disabled. Automatically disappears after some time.
20 second cooldown
G2 (Level 28)
Maximum interval is reduced.
15 second cooldown
G3 (Level 47)
Extended deployment duration
G3α (Level 50)
If successfully guarded while deployed, it grants itself Damage Dealt, Medium.
G3β (Level 50)
If successfully guarded while deployed, it grants itself Damage Dealt, Medium.
G4 (Level 66)
If successfully guarded while deployed, it grants itself Damage Dealt, Medium.
G4α (Level 66)
G4β (Level 66)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Taunt #1212 Debuff
G1 (Level 10)
After activating Taunt, your next attack will Provoke hit enemies, grant yourself maximum aggro from hit enemies, and further increase your aggro. Taunt's effect will end after the next attack hits or when its duration is exceeded.
23 second cooldown
G2 (Level 29)
Maximum interval is reduced.
20 second cooldown
G3 (Level 48)
Extended duration of provocation
G3α (Level 50)
Extended duration of provocation, reduced maximum interval
G3β (Level 50)
Extended duration of provocation, reduced maximum interval
G4 (Level 67)
Extended duration of provocation, reduced maximum interval
18 second cooldown
G4α (Level 67)
G4β (Level 67)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Bind Slash #1222 AttackDebuff
G1 (Level 11)
Perform an attack that penetrates enemies in front of you and Binds them.
12 second cooldown
Bind (6 seconds)
0.2s pre-input time
G2 (Level 30)
Increase Bind duration.
Bind (9 seconds)
G3 (Level 49)
Increase slash size.
G3α (Level 50)
Reduce attack range and gain the ability to slash up to 3 times by continuously pressing the skill button.
G3β (Level 50)
Slashes remain in place. Increase damage.
G4 (Level 68)
Increase damage and attack range.
Bind (12 seconds)
G4α (Level 68)
G4β (Level 68)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Fortress #1223 Buff
G1 (Level 12)
Greatly reduce Shield Gauge consumption from guarding, reduce damage taken during Counter Slash, and increase Counter Slash attack range.
30 second cooldown
G2 (Level 31)
Increase duration.
G3 (Level 50)
Reduce Shield Gauge consumption.
G3α (Level 50)
While Fortress is active, Counter Slash will perform a second slash.
G3β (Level 50)
While Fortress is active, successful blocks trigger a Light elemental explosion.
G4 (Level 69)
Recover a certain percentage of the Shield Gauge when used. If you are shield broken, it will recover a certain percentage of shield break.
G4α (Level 69)
G4β (Level 69)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel
Hate Collect #1234 AttackDebuff
G1 (Level 13)
Slam down a non-elemental engram at the designated location, Provoking hit enemies. The equipped weapon's element will apply to this skill.
22 second cooldown
1s pre-input time
G2 (Level 32)
Increase attack range.
G3 (Level 51)
Shield Gauge Decrease Down Small on itself when activated.
G3α (Level 50)
Recovers its own HP when activated. If its own HP is Max HP, it grants itself a Damage Received reduction, small.
G3β (Level 50)
Recovers its own HP when activated. If its own HP is Max HP, it grants itself a Damage Received reduction, small.
G4 (Level 70)
Recovers its own HP when activated. If its own HP is Max HP, it grants itself a Damage Received reduction, small.
G4α (Level 70)
G4β (Level 70)
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel

Ultimate Skills

One ultimate skill can be equipped at a time.

Glitter Mode #1208
G1 (Level 10)
Recover a large amount of HP and gain various effects. If you are shield broken, your Shield Gauge is fully restored. The Ult Gauge will be filled by successful attacks and blocks. Activating the skill with a full Ult Gauge will consume the gauge and grant your allies various buffs. Level 1: Reduced Damage Taken (M) and HP Regeneration (S). Level 2: Increased Damage Dealt (S). Level 3: Status Ailment Immunity.
190 second cooldown
Animation Cancels
  • Dodge
  • Jump
  • Class Action
  • Springboard Jump
  • Battle Imagine
  • Ultimate Skill
  • Treasure Chest
  • Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel

Class Abilities

Aegis Fighter can equip up to two class abilities from the below, along with two shareable class abilities from other classes (slots unlock at level 30 and 45).

Hateful Damage #112522 Shareable
G1 (Level 10)
Increase aggro from enemies that you dealt damage to.
G2 (Level 22)
Increase aggro.
G3 (Level 34)
Increase aggro.
G4 (Level 73)
Increase aggro.
Vanguard #112524
G1 (Level 12)
Increase damage dealt based on remaining Shield Gauge. The higher your remaining Shield Gauge, the greater the damage increase.
G2 (Level 24)
Increase damage.
G3 (Level 36)
Increase damage.
G4 (Level 74)
Increase damage.
Fast Fix #112601
G1 (Level 14)
Reduce the time it takes to recover from a shield-broken state.
G2 (Level 26)
Reduce recovery time.
G3 (Level 38)
Reduce recovery time.
G4 (Level 75)
After recovering from shield break, temporarily prevent Shield Gauge from being consumed.
Untouchable #112510
G1 (Level 16)
Increase attack when not receiving damage for a period of time after entering combat.
G2 (Level 28)
Increase attack.
G3 (Level 40)
Increase attack.
G4 (Level 76)
Increase attack.
Guard Assist #112205
G1 (Level 18)
Reduce Shield Gauge consumption from successful blocks.
G2 (Level 30)
Reduce gauge consumption.
G3 (Level 42)
Reduce gauge consumption.
G4 (Level 77)
Reduce gauge consumption.
High Resurrect #112523 Shareable
G1 (Level 20)
When rescuing another player, that player will resurrect with more HP than usual.
G2 (Level 32)
Increase initial HP amount when resurrected.
G3 (Level 44)
Increase initial HP amount when resurrected.
G4 (Level 78)
Recover HP after successfully rescuing a player.
Sentinel Shift #112602
G1 (Level 23)
Perform a Counter Slash while you have the highest aggro to create an area centered on yourself that reduces the aggro of allies within it. Has a cooldown between uses.
G2 (Level 35)
Further reduce the aggro of allies within the area.
G3 (Level 47)
Further reduce aggro.
G4 (Level 79)
Further reduce aggro.

Base Abilities

All Base Abilities are automatically passively applied when unlocked.

HP Up #112406
G1 (Level 11)
Increase Max HP.
G2 (Level 23)
Increase Max HP.
G3 (Level 35)
Increase Max HP.
G4 (Level 61)
Increase Max HP.
ATK Up #112407
G1 (Level 13)
Increase Attack.
G2 (Level 25)
Increase Attack.
G3 (Level 37)
Increase Attack.
G4 (Level 63)
Increase Attack.
DEF Up #112408
G1 (Level 15)
Increase Defense.
G2 (Level 27)
Increase Defense.
G3 (Level 39)
Increase Defense.
G4 (Level 65)
Increase Defense.
Recovery Up #112409
G1 (Level 17)
Increase Recovery.
G2 (Level 29)
Increase Recovery.
G3 (Level 41)
Increase Recovery.
G4 (Level 67)
Increase Recovery.
Crit Rate Up #112410
G1 (Level 19)
Increase Crit Rate.
G2 (Level 31)
Increase Crit Rate.
G3 (Level 43)
Increase Crit Rate.
G4 (Level 69)
Increase Crit Rate.

Misc. Skills

Aerial Attack #1204
Dodge #1209
Rebound #1298
Springboard Jump #1299
Consumes 30 Stamina
Height (sheathed) 1100 units
Height (unsheathed) 1400 units