Thunder Sphere
Tactical Skill
Spell Caster

- G1 (Level 9)
- Summon a sphere of lightning above yourself that automatically attacks enemies with Thunder damage. When the sphere hits an enemy, the impact triggers an area attack.
- G2 (Level 28)
- Increase stagger effect.
- G3 (Level 47)
- Reduce downtime between attacks.
- G3α (Level 50)
- Reduce downtime between attacks.
- G3β (Level 50)
- Increase the sphere's enemy detection range.
- G4 (Level 66)
- Increase duration.
- G4α (Level 66)
- G4β (Level 66)
- Dodge
- Jump
- Class Action
- Springboard Jump
- Battle Imagine
- Ultimate Skill
- Treasure Chest
- Supplier
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