Tactical Skill
Twin Striker

- G1 (Level 12)
- While active, when your Combo Gauge exceeds a certain amount, using an attack Tactical Skill will consume Combo Gauge to boost the skill's damage. If the Combo Gauge does not exceed the specific amount, the gauge will not be consumed and the Tactical Skill will not have its damage boosted.
- G2 (Level 31)
- Reduce gauge consumption.
- G3 (Level 50)
- Increase the damage boost when Combo Gauge is consumed.
- G3α (Level 50)
- While active, increase Combo Gauge accumulation and reduce Combo Gauge consumption.
- G3β (Level 50)
- After activating Ignition, greatly increase the damage of the next attack Tactical Skill, consuming the entire Combo Gauge. The effect ends after one use.
- G4 (Level 69)
- While active, the Combo Gauge will no longer reset when your HP falls below a certain amount.
- G4α (Level 69)
- G4β (Level 69)
You have 15 seconds to initiate a skill before the effect expires. The damage increase is applied once a skill is initiated, so chargeable skills can be held indefinitely while maintaining the Ignition effect—useful when waiting for buffs, debuffs, heals, elemental burst, combo gauge via Lava Impact, etc.
If a skill that Ignition is applied to is cancelled—for example charging Desperado then dodging—the damage increase is lost.
- Dodge
- Jump
- Class Action
- Springboard Jump
- Battle Imagine
- Ultimate Skill
- Treasure Chest
- Supplier
No known cancels Cancel available Recommended cancel