Celeste Pillar
Tactical Skill
Aegis Fighter

- G1 (Level 3)
- Place an area centered on yourself that continuously deals Light elemental damage.
- G2 (Level 22)
- Can be charged, increasing damage dealt.
- G3 (Level 41)
- Can be charged further, increasing damage dealt.
- G3α (Level 50)
- Increase area duration.
- G3β (Level 50)
- Increase Light elemental charge accumulation but also increase skill charge time.
- G4 (Level 60)
- Enemies that are hit are afflicted with Reduced Light Resistance (S), the effectiveness of which increases as the skill is charged.
- G4α (Level 60)
- G4β (Level 60)
Can be activated in the air, but you will lose your forward inertia and fall straight down. The attack will only hit enemies that are standing on its AoE. Enemies under its AoE will not be affected. If the AoE cuts an enemy midway on its model, damage is still registered.
- Dodge
- Jump
- Class Action
- Springboard Jump
- Battle Imagine
- Ultimate Skill
- Treasure Chest
- Supplier
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